Eurecat is a non-profit private foundation whose aim is to efficiently contribute to improving the competitiveness and the technological and sustainable development of companies by providing specialized services and carrying out R&D and innovation projects.
Eurecat’s Water, Air and Soil Unit (WAS) has an extended track record coordinating and participating in R&D projects related to the design, testing, and application of remediation technologies for contaminated soil and water. This Unit has a laboratory where standard and specific analyses are done, and bench-scale and pilot tests are also carried out. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of Eurecat, especially in Sustainability, Eurecat has large experience in Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Costs studies applied to different sectors.
Within the LIFE SOuRCE project, Eurecat will lead the management of the project (tech-nical and financial), the consultation with stakeholders, the development of business and replication strategy and the assessment of the project sustainability and impacts for hu-man health. It will also lead (in collaboration with SLU) the task devoted to the optimiza-tion at the bench-scale of the treatment solutions.